
make your code in the blog cool with highlight.js :)

As you see, the python code is so cool except the print content, the "hell jaw crusher"... for life , I have to Advertising for my company.555555...

if __name __ == "__main__":
    print "jaw crusher from China!"

just load the css and the js file like this:

<link href="http://yandex.st/highlightjs/7.3/styles/sunburst.min.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<script src="http://yandex.st/highlightjs/7.3/highlight.min.js"></script>

then add your code like this:

<pre><code class="python">
if __name __ == "__main__":
    print "jaw crusher from China!"

more info you can just click:

http://www.softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/download/ and : http://www.softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/

